PARI 41E4580 Quick-Connect Neb Enhancer

The PARI Quick-Connect Neb Enhancer lets you quickly connect and disconnect the PARI Reusable Nebulizer from the air tubing in one quick step. This is especially helpful for patients with arthritis or limited hand strength.
- Push the bottom of the PARI Reusable Nebulizer into the top of the Quick-Connect Neb Enhancer while gently twisting 1/4 turn. CAUTION: Excessive twisting may cause damage to the nebulizer.
- Connect the air tubing to the compressor air outlet. After connecting, press firmly a second time to ensure that it is securely attached.
- There is no need to detach air tubing from the Quick-Connect Neb Enhancer or the compressor after a treatment. DO NOT WASH AIR TUBING.
- To detach the PARI Reusable Nebulizer from the Quick-Connect Neb Enhancer, gently twist the nebulizer 1/4 turn while pulling apart. Clean the PARI Reusable Nebulizer as directed.
- To remove water droplets (condensation) from the air tubing, remove the nebulizer from the Quick-Connect Neb Enhancer and run the compressor for a few minutes. The air flow will dry out the air tubing. DO NOT WASH AIR TUBING.
- The PARI Reusable Nebulizer should be replaced every 6 months. Keep the PARI Quick-Connect Neb Enhancer to use with replacement nebulizers. DO NOT DISPOSE OF QUICK-CONNECT NEB ENHANCER.