Damp Check Dehumidifiers
Common electric dehumidifiers are often complicated and use large amounts of energy, becoming a costly, bothersome undertaking when used for long amounts of time. Allergy Be Gone offers you a selection of easy-to-use non-electric dehumidifiers, an energy-efficient alternative to electric dehumidifiers that will create the same fresh, healthy environment.
Damp Check, a reliable, innovative brand of non-electric dehumidifying products, has created air fresheners and moisture absorbing pellets that quickly and efficiently absorb dampness and the related musty smell from your home. Damp Check non-electric dehumidifying pellets prevent mold, mildew, rust and wood rot in your home by reducing the air's moisture level to a point where mildew cannot grow. Simply place the container of dehumidifying pellets anywhere that moisture is found and the Damp Check formula will work quickly and efficiently to remove dampness in the air.
Allergy Be Gone has great values on a large assortment of non-electric dehumidifier products, from air fresheners to reusable refill pouches to keep your home healthy and fresh.